WordPress Installation on cPanel with Fantastico

Word press Installation/Upgrade on cPanel with Fantastico


A webmaster may encounter certain issues while installing WordPress through Fantastico on a server running Pure-FTP.

Ideally it is preferred that you directly download WordPress from WordPress.org and use it. But if still you want to use via Fantastico, here is the way to go forward. Steps in this article do not apply if you are using WordPress 3.2+

  1. Install WordPress using Fantastico. Currently latest WordPress version through Fantastico is 3.1 whereas the latest version on wordpress.org is 3.2.1
  2. After the installation, copy following lines to wp-config.php/***************/
    define(“FTP_HOST”, “example.com”);
    define(“FTP_USER”, “username”);
    define(“FTP_PASS”, “mypassword”);
    /***************/Though FTP part is not required, but for convenience sake you can go ahead with it so that WordPress does not prompt you with FTP password.
  3. Download the ‘FTP Upgrade Fix’ plugin from http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ftp-upgrade-fix/ . Unzip it and then upload the folder ftp-upgrade-fix to wp-content/plugins . Please note this plugin is not required for WordPress 3.2.1. version.
  4. Go to the admin area of WordPress, then go to Plugins and activate it.
  5. Now upgrade WordPress to latest version.
  6. After a successful upgrade, WordPress will show you a messages that plugin ‘FTP Upgrade Fix’ is not required. Go to Plugins again, deactivate it and then delete it.

Also remember, if WordPress goes into maintenance mode, you can bring it back by removing .maintenance file (check the dot in the beginning).

Preferably in maintenance mode, you should try to solve the actual problem, than just deleting .maintenance file.

I hope this information is helpful to readers of the article

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